Sweet As!

Sweet As Bro…

As the sun graces us with its warmth and the days grow longer, there's one seasonal delight that captures the essence of summer in New Zealand – sweet corn!

Sweet corn season kicks off during the warmer months, usually late November, offering us a treasure trove of golden goodness. Bursting with sweetness and a satisfying crunch, each kernel of corn embodies the taste of summer itself. Whether grilled to perfection, boiled, or tossed into vibrant salads, this versatile vegetable is a kiwi favourite.

A Culinary Canvas

Beyond the classic barbecue fare, sweet corn invites creativity in the kitchen. From creamy corn chowders and savory corn fritters to colorful salsas this humble vegetable serves as a canvas for culinary exploration. Embrace the season by experimenting with recipes that highlight the sweet, vibrant flavors of this summer staple.

As we gather with friends and family for outdoor picnics, beach barbecues, or backyard gatherings, sweet corn becomes the centerpiece of communal feasts. Whether enjoyed on its own or incorporated into mouthwatering dishes, it helps create cherished memories around the table.


Beet Season